

frag-mente infernali

freely adaptedDivina Mimesis” di P.P.Pasolini

Synopsis What is the Inferno of Pasolini? Reinventing the semantic of the Divine Comedy - the allegorical poem by Alighieri - Pier Paolo Pasolini creates his own neo-capitalistic Inferno. The author - playing the roles of Dante-himself and of Virgilio-Poet - begins a journey aimed to inquire what are the roles of the Artist and the Scholar in times of a neo-capitalistic society. “I was tented to interrupt my journey and returned to the real world, where at least, I was only asked for silence” quoted Pasolini. But his journey continued as a catartic metaphor of personal and universal choises, intended to resist to discutible "new values" of a certain neo-capitalistic economy of leading countries. The Divina Mimesis was published in 1975 - subsequently the author's death - in form of literary notes and fragments, to respect the author's concept of a real time diary, that witness the drawing up process. Its documentaristic structure applies the same question to the present audience: what is our Inferno?The intention is not giving an answer, but relies to the "undefined canon" of Pasolini literary heritage.

Director: Elena Vannoni

Collaboration: Roberto Mantovani

Assistent Director: Jasmin Rana Schoeler

Dramaturgin: Bettina Jänisch


Pasolini-Virgilio Roberto Mantovani

Pasolini-Dante Chiara Visca

Lupa Andrea Schwemmer

Lonza Jessica Tietsche

Leone/RinbaudStefan Liebermann


Piano Accordion  Javier Tucat Moreno

Singer Anahi Setton

Photo di Scena: Silvano Mangnone